Tag Archives: polyethene

C14.5 to C14.7 Polymers

Science Bank 11 (Industrial Chemistry): you just need part 2 – Plastics & Polymerisation (from 4m 45s to 10m 20s).The diverse world of polymers (a TED-Ed original from Jan Mattingly):

A lovely site about polymers – lots of information and animations.

Making nylon in the lab.

Here are two short videos on polymers: polythene from RSC (5m 30s) and polystyrene from Lammas Science (2m 15s). And here are three longer ones: plastics/polymers from Science in Focus (18m 40s); polythene from Chemistry in Action (20m) & BBC Short Circuit polymers (& crude oil) (19m).

Infographic courtesy of the fabulous Compound Interest blog – just click on it to enlarge.